Saturday, October 17, 2015

Business Proposal Presentations

Image Credit - History Vault Website 
In order to teach mercantilism in the British Colonies, I have been trying in-class presentations for a pretend business proposal.  Students are assigned a colony and are pressed to do research on the colony in order to figure out what type of business would make the most amount of money for Britain.  After all, making money for Britain was the deal-breaker for colonies to keep charters going.  Students are to pretend that they are on a mission to research their colonies and then propose one particular business that would be best for the conditions in that colony.

Here are the slides that students are to include in their business proposal:

  1. What types of labor are available? (slavery, indentured servants, female labor, skilled labor)
  2. What resources are available in your colony: (indigo, timber, fur, etc.)
  3. Where are the major port cities in each area?
  4. What type of agriculture in each area? (small farms, plantations, etc.)
  5. What products would likely be shipped as exports (from the region) and imports (into the region)
  6. What type of local government is in that region  (example – House of Burgesses in Virginia, Fundamental orders in Connecticut, etc.)
  7. What religions are present in this colony?
  8. What levels of education people have in your colony? (colleges, home schools, no schools, etc.)
  9. What major native tribes exist in this region?
  10. What new business will make Macrosoft (the fictional joint-stock company) the largest profit possible?

Looking for ways to make this a bit more engaging and authentic for students in order to create more excitement.  Any suggestions appreciated as always.

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